Join us along with Together Colorado, Colorado Jewish Climate Action (CJCA) and Rocky Mountain Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for this Multi-faith lobby day.
In-person lobbying is a powerful way to advocate for the legislation that will help create a Colorado where everyone can thrive—regardless of race, zip code, or income. Our lawmakers need to hear directly from us about why these issues matter.
On Lobby Day, we’ll organize by district and spend the morning meeting with legislators to make our voices heard. This is a key opportunity to ensure they understand the real impact of these bills on our communities. Everyone is welcome! Spanish interpretation and lunch will be provided.
We hope you can join!
TUESDAY 3/18 8am-12pm Faith and Justice Lobby Day with Together Colorado, Colorado Jewish Climate Action (CJCA) and Rocky Mountain Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Advocate for change, with your legislators, meet like-minded activists, learn about lobbying, and make a difference in the fight against climate chaos. Join us on Thursday March 7th along with @350colorado and many other front line orgs for 10th annual Climate Lobby Day!
Last year, over 60 Colorado based climate organizations with over 180 participants join in Climate Lobby Day. This year we want to make it even bigger, better, and more accessible to all of those that would like to participate! This event provides a space for participants to learn the lobbying basics, meet other constituents from their district, and encourages them to apply those skills at the Capitol advocating for pro climate bills they believe in.
Whether you’re lobbying for the first time or have joined in the past, you’ll have the opportunity to learn the ropes and have lots of support with friends and allies. See also How to Lobby 101 Training from 350CO.
We hope you can join! And please share and spread the word:
The GreenFaith Boulder County Circle held a Fall Gathering and Interest Meeting on Thursday, November 14th. It has been awhile since we last gathered, and the time felt right to (re)energize our Circle for climate action in the coming year.
What a gift to have folx from so many communities gathered together, including…
Congregation Nevei Kodesh, Congregation Har HaShem, Boulder Valley UU Fellowship, Boulder Friends, Boulder Shambhala Center, Eon Zen Center, Upaya Zen Center, Community United Church of Christ, Pine Street Church, Flame and Well Druid Grove, Naropa University, First Congregational Church, Boulder Morningstar Zen Center, Climate Justice Hive, Joanna Macy Center, and more….
Many thanks to everyone who joined.
Shout out also to Micha K. Ben-David with the Climate Justice Hive for helping to guide our group discussion. And many thanks to the Joanna Macy Center and Climate Justice Hive for hosting us at Naropa, to the Mediterranean Market for the nourishing food, and to GreenFaith USA for picking up the tab to support our efforts.
We may have failed to take photos but it was a full room of heart-full people sharing, connecting, and planting seeds for faith-rooted climate action. It was wonderful to be together and combine our lights in these dark times.
Next steps:
Our goal was to affirm and deepen our relationships and explore ways to develop a stronger and wider network for collective action.
We will compile the many networks, connections and ideas that were shared and send that out to everyone in the coming weeks.
Our next gathering will be Thursday, January 16th, time TBD — we’ll send out a scheduling poll in early Jan.
If you are connected with someone who came to the gathering and is not on this email list, please forward our gratitude to them as well. They can sign up here to receive these emails.
In the meantime, many blessings to all as we turn toward the winter solstice and enter the holiday season. Please keep sharing here as you are called.
May we continue to co-create a sanctuary of support and loving action.
Tapping into the themes of his new book, Brian McLaren invites us to engage in the catastrophic failure of both political and religious leaders to address urgent realities of our time: ecological overshoot, economic injustice, and civilizational collapse. Come explore the complexity of hope, the necessity of grief, and discover new ways of thinking, becoming, and belonging for the common good.
Common Food Forum Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart With Brian McLaren Friday Oct 25-Oct 27 Pine Street Church, 1237 Pine Street
The 2024 NoCo Climate Meetup is coming up on September 22 in Loveland’s Centennial Park from 12 noon to 5 PM. Join your local northern Colorado climate activists for an afternoon of networking and education
There will be speakers, networking events, food, and drinks – plus the chance to spend the afternoon with your fellow Colorado climate activists … we are expecting upwards of 100 people. Please try to respond to the invitation as soon as possible, so the organizers can make sure adequate beverages are on hand. Although some compostable plates, tableware, and cups will be provided, you are encouraged to bring your own reusable plates and utensils to go with your shared dish.
We are trying to keep this green by establishing carpooling to and from the event. Please indicate in the comment area on the invite if you are interested in carpooling – indicate if you (a) can drive (b) need a ride and (c) your “region” (e.g. Longmont, Ft Collins, Boulder, Denver, Greeley, etc)
350CO organized an action to take place at Chase Bank in downtown Denver for August 9, 2024 to protest the bank’s investments in and loans to Fossil Fuel Companies. Chase is one of the main banks that invests in fossil fuel.
Third Act Colorado sponsored it as part of the Third Act National’s “Summer of Heat” actions around the country, and Greenfaith Boulder County Circle also joined as a sponsor for the event.
About 25 people came with banners, signs and a polar bear head we took turns wearing. Third Act had a rocky chair for the “old Third Actors” who were part of the protest. It was a successful action on a hot day!
Third Act Colorado is the local chapter of dedicated folks over 60 joining together in creative actions as we work to protect our democracy and save our precious planet. We are committed, in this our “third act” of life, to using our resources and our skills to better the world for those coming after us. Join us as we joyfully work to become good ancestors!