Boulder.Earth Events Calendar and Directory

Boulder.Earth Events Calendar and Directory

Want to find out about climate actions happening in Boulder County? Looking to get involved with environmental and climate justice efforts?

Check out Boulder.Earth — a dynamic, grassroots website created by-and-for the community to foster awareness, collaboration and connectivity for increased impact on climate justice in Boulder County, Colorado.

As stewards of this website, the BoCo Climate Justice Hive is committed to developing better community organizing tools and online technology to work across borders and foster more robust partnerships, changing systems as well as our relationship to each other and the earth.

Collaborating and working in concert, our potential is far greater than the sum of the parts. To make this happen, coordination and a clear shared vision are necessary. These are the goals of  the BoCo Climate Justice Hive. 

Learn more about us.


Boulder County is home to a couple hundred organizations and programs addressing environmental and social justice. In addition, there are more than 3,000 climate and atmospheric scientists, which means Boulder may have more people working on climate justice per capita than anywhere else on earth! Boulder.Earth as a dynamic, grassroots web portal highlighting the county’s robust eco-social-justice community. This site is truly by and for the community—a chance to see our diverse, collective work highlighted in one place, bringing together artists, activists, scientists, entrepreneurs, faith groups, politicians and on and on…


In an effort to connect conversations, coordinate more effectively, and incentivize collaboration, Naropa University’s Joanna Macy Center for Resilience and Regeneration and the volunteer team that built Boulder.Earth have created the BoCo Climate Justice Hive to not just manage the website, but to actively bring together various community-based climate justice efforts.

The Hive collects and shares up-to-date information about who’s doing what and where, “cross-pollinating” neighborhoods, communities, and sectors in Boulder County by weaving connections from grassroots to grass-tops and across the non-profit, academic, business, and government worlds. 

Insurance Leadership Forum Rally Oct. 1

Insurance Leadership Forum Rally Oct. 1

From our friends with the Rainforest Action Network: Join us for a rally in Colorado Springs, October 1st at 11am outside of one of the largest gatherings of insurance executives — the Insurance Leadership Forum at the Broadmoor resort — to demand they insure our communities instead of oil, gas, and coal.

Major insurers like Liberty Mutual, Chubb, and Travelers are increasing rates and walking away from communities as we face wildfires from the climate chaos they are creating by insuring and investing in fossil fuels. 

WHEN: Sunday, October 1, 2023 11am – 1pm

WHAT: A rally to hold insurers accountable and demand they insure our communities instead of oil, gas, and coal.

WHERE: Meet at 10:41am at Charmaine Nymann Community Garden at Bear Creek Regional Park, Creek Crossing St, Colorado Springs, CO 80905. We’ll carpool to the Broadmoor from this location!

This is a rare opportunity to disrupt executives who are in town to drink cocktails, and golf while we face the poisoned air, water, and climate destruction from the methane gas, oil, and coal they expand. Join us in holding them accountable to become climate leaders! 

> RSVP at the event page here

Phase Out Fracking Action Hour Sept. 25

Phase Out Fracking Action Hour Sept. 25

From our friends at 350 Colorado: Join the volunteer Action Hour on Monday Sept. 25 at 5pm to get in on the action to Phase Out Fracking in Colorado! Catch the latest updates on the ballot initiative, connect with others in the movement, and plug into direct action to get the Fracking Phase Out on the 2024 Colorado ballot!

350 Colorado is proud to be a part of the Safe & Healthy Colorado coalition building the movement for a 2024 statewide ballot initiative to Phase Out Fracking Permits in Colorado by 2030!

  • The Phase Out Fracking ballot initiative will require a gradual decrease in the number of new fracking permits each year starting in 2026 and ending with no more new permits after 2030!
  • The ballot initiative requires permits to decrease in disproportionately impacted areas first, and includes support for a just transition, training, and reskilling for affected workers.  
  • Oil and gas fracking is the #1 source of pollution in Colorado causing the climate crisis and the ‘severe’ ozone air quality issues along Colorado’s front range. Phasing Out Fracking is necessary for Colorado to meet our environmental justice and climate goals.
  • Despite industry claims, oil & gas contributes less than 1% of total employment in Colorado and only about 3% of our GDP, while pollution from oil & gas operations in Colorado will cause over $13 billion in damages between 2020 and 2030 (1.5 times the total taxes and fees oil & gas brings to Colorado).  
  • To win this groundbreaking and necessary ballot initiative and Phase Out Fracking in Colorado for good, we need YOU! To win it, we need an army of people to step up and pitch in. Join us! 

Join the upcoming volunteer Action Hour and get in on the action to Phase Out Fracking in Colorado! Monday Sept. 25th, 5-6pm. Register here and bring a friend! The Volunteer Action Hour will be every other Monday at 5pm. Join us for a short, sweet, and impactful hour of action!


Bobbie Mooney

Beyond Oil & Gas Campaign Coordinator, 350 Colorado

P.S. Can’t join the Action Hour but want to take action right now!? You can: 

  1. Pledge to Sign the Fracking Phase Out Ballot Initiative!
  2. Use this One Click Letter to ask your city, county, and state elected leaders to endorse the ballot initiative! 
  3. Collect 15 “pledges to sign” the ballot initiative from Colorado voters, submit the form to, and receive a prize from LUSH!
  4. Donate to the ballot initiative campaign if you are able!
  5. Follow, like, and amplify on social media:  Facebook Instagram Twitter
  6. Ask everyone you know to do the 5 steps above!
Action Hour Monday Sept. 18th

Action Hour Monday Sept. 18th

This past weekend, there were 700 #EndFossilFuels actions in 65 countries, on all seven continents, with at least 600,000 participating! In New York City, GreenFaith and many partners joined together for the March to End Fossil Fuels with 50,000-75,000 people attending! 

And the action is not over yet! Today and tomorrow, GreenFaith will be joining nonviolent direct actions on the ground in NYC, to keep up the pressure on President Biden and the financiers of continued fossil fuel exploitation.

You can join in the action from home by attending our action hour TODAY at 2 PM ET / 1 CT / 12 MT / 11 AM PT! The GreenFaith US team and Fridays for Future U.S. are convening this multi-generational community space online, so that people can join together to get grounded and take action, from wherever you live! It’s essential that we keep up the pressure and momentum as world leaders convene this Wednesday for the UN Climate Ambition Summit.

Join the action hour and let your voice be heard!

In faith and determination,

Aly Tharp
GreenFaith US Senior Organizer
Faith Hub Co-Coordinator for the March to End Fossil Fuels

Reverse Tashlich Creek Cleanup Sept. 10th

Reverse Tashlich Creek Cleanup Sept. 10th

Tashlich is a Rosh Hashanah ritual in which Jews begin the new year by symbolically casting off last year’s sins by tossing pebbles or bread crumbs into a body of water. In 2016, the college division of Repair the Sea (Scubi Jew®️) at Eckerd College conceived the idea of hosting a Reverse Tashlich, a beach cleanup to remove human “sins” from the water.

Every year since, the program has expanded as new communities have joined and removed thousands of pounds of debris from waterfront locations around the world as part of their High Holiday observance. This year the Boulder JCC is partnering with Congregation Har HaShemInland Ocean Coalition, and Colorado Jewish Climate Action (CJCA)  to host a family-friendly creek cleanup in Boulder. Exact location details will be provided a day before the event to those who register.

Reverse Taschlich
Sunday, September 10, 9:30am
Register Here